
Organization of UCR Emeriti Association

Adopted April 21, 2017; Amended May 11, 2018, May 14, 2021, December 9, 2022.


I. Name: UC Riverside Emeriti Association

II. Objectives

  1. To promote the general welfare of retired faculty, their spouses or domestic partners and their surviving spouses or domestic partners
  2. To assist emeriti in making the transition from active faculty career to emeritus/a status, which may continue to involve teaching; scholarly research; and/or service to the campus, the UCR Division of or the Statewide Academic Senate or in other venues.
  3. To communicate the activities and needs of the emeriti faculty to the UCR Division of the Academic Senate and to UCR administrators.
  4. To help provide retirement services and information for all emeriti; to extend and enhance the services and opportunities available to emeriti faculty.
  5. To sponsor educational and social events for the benefit of the membership and the UCR community.
  6. To coordinate work towards our objectives with that of the Emeriti Associations on the other UC campuses.
  7. To coordinate our activities with those of the UCR Retiree’s Association when mutually beneficial.

III. Membership

  1. Regular: Retired faculty, others with emeritus or emerita status, and other former members of the Academic Senate paying lifetime or yearly dues; may include UC faculty from other UC campuses who live in the Riverside area.
  2. Associate: spouses, domestic partners of Regular members; surviving spouses or domestic partners of faculty who die while eligible to retire. Associate members have the same rights and privileges as Regular members, except participation in voting and eligibility to hold office in UCREA.
  3. Adjunct: Retired UCR faculty who are not Regular dues-paying members.

IV. Dues

  1. Dues are set by the Executive Board (see VI.1.)
  2. Yearly dues are paid in the Spring preceding or the summer at the start of the fiscal year July 1 through June 30.
  3. Lifetime dues are 10 times the yearly dues.

V.  Officers

(2 year terms with the possibility of re-election for the Secretary and Treasurer. In the event that the office of Vice President is vacant, or the current Vice President has served less than a year in that office, the President may be re-elected for an additional term.)

1. President

A.  Preside at meetings of the Association and of its Executive Board
B.  Exercise general supervision over affairs of the Association.
C.  Serve as UCR Representative to the Council of University of California Emeriti Associations (CUCEA); other members of the Executive Board can serve as alternates and/or may attend meetings of CUCEA.
D.  Maintain communication with the UCR Division of the Academic Senate; make recommendations to the Academic Senate Committee on Committees of individual(s) to serve on any Senate Committee on which Emeriti are invited to participate.
E.   Attend quarterly meetings with the Board of the UCR Retiree’s Association.
F.   Serve as liaison between the Association and the UCR Administration and UCR’s Office of Human Resources.

2.  Vice President / President Elect

A. Assist the President with the duties of that office. 
B. In the absence of the President assume all the stated duties of that office (V.1.A-D).
C. Succeed to the office of President at the end of the term of the President.
D. With the President, attend quarterly meetings with the Board of the UCR Retiree’s Association.

3.  Secretary

A.  Maintain minutes and records of all meetings of the Association and its Executive Board.
B.  Correspond with the membership of the Association as needed.

4.  Treasurer

A.  Serve as the custodian of appropriate Emeriti funds.
B.  Make disbursement of funds as needed.
C.  Prepare a complete financial Statement to the Executive Board at least twice annually.

VI. Committees

1. An Executive Board shall be composed of the current President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, the immediate Past President and at least        three at-large members.  After service on the Executive Board, members are awarded the honorary title of “Board Member Emerita” or “Board            Member Emeritus.”  The Executive Board has the following powers and responsibilities:

A. To act on behalf of the membership of the Association on all matters, subject to review at the next meeting of the entire membership, providing that, at the request of any five members of the Association, any Executive Board decision will be subject to a referendum of the                    Association membership.

B. To determine the size of the Executive Board in accordance with VI.1 and appoint new members by a majority vote of the existing Executive Board membership.

C. To appoint replacement officers should any of these officers become vacant between regularly scheduled elections.

2. Standing and ad-hoc committees and their chairs shall be appointed by the President and the Vice President with the advice of the Executive Board.

A. The standing committees shall include, but not be limited to: (1) Membership and Nominating; (2) Scholarship and Dickson Lectures; and (3)  Programs and Activities.

B. Other standing or ad-hoc committees shall be appointed as described in VI.2. as needed.

VII. Meetings

1.  The Executive Board shall meet at least quarterly.  A quorum shall consist of 50% or more of the membership of the Executive Board.

2.  The entire Regular membership shall meet at least once per year at which time they will receive a financial report from the treasurer and if appropriate vote on officers.  A quorum shall consist of 12 or more Regular members of the Association.

VIII. Elections

1. Any Regular member in good standing shall be eligible for nomination and election to any office.

2. Election of officers shall take place at an annual meeting of the membership. Elections shall be by voice vote unless there is more than one              nominee for a particular position. When this occurs, election shall be by secret ballot.

3. New officers shall assume their duties on the first day of the next fiscal year, July 1.

IX. Parliamentary Procedure

Alice Sturgis, The Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure, shall serve as the parliamentary authority for this organization.

X. Ratification and Amendment

1. These bylaws and any proposed amendments may be presented to the members either by majority vote of the Executive Board or by a petition          presented to the Secretary bearing the endorsements of at least ten (10) Regular members of the Association.

2. The text of these bylaws and any proposed amendments shall be sent to each member not less than two weeks before the meeting at which they      are to be considered by the membership.

3. These bylaws and proposed amendments shall be considered adopted if they receive a two-thirds vote of the votes cast at or before a meeting of      the membership, provided that they have been distributed as part of the call to or announcement of the meeting.