Dickson Award
The Edward A. Dickson Emeritus/a Professorship Award at the Riverside campus began in the 2008-2009 academic year. This accolade is presented for teaching, research, or public service activities that are in accordance with the intent of the donor. From the 2014-15 award year onward, the awardee(s) shall be known as the Edward A. Dickson Emeritus/a Professor for the duration of the award and receive up to $6,000, which may be used for salary, travel or research support, subject to all policies and requirements of the University and the Riverside Campus.
Links to these guidelines are provided and on the Academic Senate website, under the heading "Awards": http://senate.ucr.edu/awards/
At the end of the award period, each awardee will submit a concise written report of the accomplishments that have resulted from the Professorship. In addition, It is required that the awardee will present a public lecture following conclusion of the award year.
Selection Committee and Process
The Selection Committee shall be the Committee on Faculty Welfare of the Riverside Division of the Academic Senate, whose membership includes active and retired faculty. The Committee will evaluate the proposals and the nominees' previous contributions in the areas of teaching, research and service. The nomination package is subject to CAP review, in concurrence with UCR's Policy on Endowed Chairs. After CAP has reviewed and approved the nomination(s), they are sent to the EVC/P for appointment, which is effective the following academic year.
Award Requirements
Each emeritus professor receiving support from the Dickson endowment shall be known as the Edward A. Dickson Emeritus/a Professor for the duration of awarded academic year.
- Each awardee must provide a concise written report of the accomplishments that have resulted from the Professorship, in concurrence with the UCR Policy on Endowed Chairs.
- In addition, It is required that the awardee will present a public lecture following conclusion of the award year.
- The reports should be submitted to the EVC/P each fall in September and will be made available to the Selection Committee upon request.
- Individuals may receive this award only once during their career.
Background of the Award
Edward A. Dickson served as a regent of the University of California from 1913 to 1946, the longest tenure of any Regent. His vision is credited with helping to make the Los Angeles campus a reality. In 1955 Mr. Dickson presented the University with an endowment to provide for annual special professorships for retired faculty.
The 1955 gift document describing this award states:
For the support and maintenance of special annual professorships in the University of California to which shall be appointed by the President, with the approval of the Regents, persons of academic rank who have been retired after service in the University of California and who shall receive such awards in addition to their retirement or pension allowances. Awards shall be made upon such conditions of service, research or teaching as The Regents may require. Professorships so awarded shall be known as the Edward A. Dickson Emeriti Professorships.
In 2003 the funds for the Dickson award were separated into ten endowments, one dedicated to each campus. The responsibility for making the awards was delegated to the Executive Vice Chancellor or chief academic officer at each of the ten campuses. On the UCR campus, award oversight and evaluation is performed by the UCR Academic Senate Committee on Faculty Welfare.
Former Dickson Award Recipients
Previous Dickson Lectures
Year Recipient 2024-2025 Scott Fedik, Anthropology
Ancient Mayan Agriculture -Scott Fedik presentation
Presentation Recording
2023-2024Eric Barr, Theatre
Thinking Like an Actor - Eric Barr Presentation2023-2024 Malcolm C. Baker, History of Art 2023-2024 John M. Ganim, English 2023-2024 Scott L. Fedick, Anthropology 2023-2024 Brian A. Federici, Entomology 2022-2023 Carolyn Murphy, Psychology 2022-2023 Conrad Rudolph, History of Art 2019-2020
The Imagination of Horace Walpole2019-2020
The Accuracy of Hamilton-Perry Population Projections for Census Tracts in the United
Philosophical Understanding2019-2020
Speech vs. Diversity, Diversity vs. Speech2019-2020
Flourishing, Long Life, and the Nature of Health2019-2020
On Human Nature: The Biology and Sociology of What Made Us Human2018-2019
See What Happens - Wendy Rogers Lecture2018-2019 Susan Hackwood, Electrical Engineering 2018-2019 David Fairris, Economics 2017-2018 Wendy Ashmore, Anthropology 2016-2017 Lawrence Harper, Mathematics 2016-2017 Susan Carter, Economics 2015-2016 Malenoati Rao, Mathematics 2015-2016 Roger Ransom, History 2015-2016 Richard Sutch, Economics 2014-2015 Irwin Wall, History 2014-2015 Michael Pollak, Physics & Astronomy 2014-2015 Ronald Chilcote, Economics 2013-2014 Kathleen Montgomery, Business 2012-2013 George Slusser, Comparative Literature 2012-2013 Ben Stolztfus, Comparative Literature 2011-2012 Edward Platzer, Nematology and Biology 2010-2011 Prasanta Pattanaik, Economics